主要個人儲蓄賬戶 | |||
存摺/月結單 儲蓄5 |
金牌儲蓄5 |
鑽石儲蓄5 |
月維護費 | $3 | $3 | $3 |
避免月維護費方式 |
當日平均額至少$500 | 當日平均額至少$500且與金牌支票賬戶綁定 | 當日平均額至少$500且與鑽石支票賬戶綁定 |
最低開戶額7 | $25 | $500 | $500 |
享有利息之最低存款金額 |
$500 | $500 | $500 |
賬戶特點與優勢 |
7天24小時網路與移動銀行 (包括付賬和電子月結單)10 提供月結單儲蓄賬戶ATM卡 11 在國寶ATM和任何一家有“MoneyPass”標誌的ATM無手續費取款; 您在非國寶ATM取款,國寶不收取任何費用12 |
更高的銀行利率 (請向分行客服代表索取利率表) 7天24小時網路與移動銀行 (包括付賬和電子月結單)10 提供月結單儲蓄賬戶ATM卡11 在國寶ATM和任何一家有“MoneyPass”標誌的ATM無手續費取款; 您在非國寶ATM取款,國寶不收取任何費用12 |
更高的銀行利率 (請向分行客服代表索取利率表) 7天24小時網路與移動銀行 (包括付賬和電子月結單)10 提供月結單儲蓄賬戶ATM卡11 在國寶ATM和任何一家有“MoneyPass”標誌的ATM無手續費取款; 您在非國寶ATM取款,國寶不收取任何費用12 |
其他個人儲蓄賬戶 | ||||
信用卡抵押月結單儲蓄6 |
子孫存摺/月結單儲蓄5 (UTMA)9 |
搭橋美國存摺/月結單儲蓄5 |
貨幣市場賬戶5 |
月維護費 | 不適用 | $3 | $8 | $15 |
避免月維護費方式 |
不適用 | 當日平均額至少$100 | 當日平均額至少$1,000 | 當日平均額至少$5,000 |
最低開戶額7 | $500 | $25 | $25 | $25 |
是否有利息 (請參考國寶存款利率表) | 無 | 有 | 無 | 有 |
享有利息之最低存款金額 |
不適用 | $500 | 不適用 | $5,000 |
賬戶特點與優勢 |
與國寶擔保信用卡綁定來建立您的信用(最高90%信用額) 7天24小時網路與移動銀行(只可查閱)10 |
提供月結單儲蓄賬戶ATM卡11 7天24小時網路與移動銀行(只可查閱)10 |
提供月結單儲蓄賬戶ATM卡11 7天24小時網路與移動銀行(只可查閱)10 |
ATM卡11 7天24小時網路與移動銀行(只可查閱)10 |
*Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) stated are effective as of 3/15/2020.
5 According to Regulation D, you may make no more than six (6) automatic or preauthorized transfers from your saving account(s) per month. If you make more than six (6) transfers per month, the Excessive Activity Fees may apply and your account will be converted to a transaction account. Please refer to chart on back. Only new money(monies not currently held in an Abacus account) is qualified for deposit into Diamond/Gold Savings Account.
6 The Secured Credit Card Collateral Holding Accounts may not be withdrawn until 60 days after the Secured Credit Card Account has been closed and all amounts owing have been paid in full. The minimum secured credit card limit is $500 and/or up to 90% of the Credit Card Collateral Statement Savings account.
7 The monthly maintenance service fee is waived for the first two statement cycles to allow you to meet your account requirements. After the first two statement cycles, the monthly maintenance service fee is waived if the requirements are met.
8 Free Small Safe Deposit Box is based upon availability, and limited to one (1) per customer only. This offer can be changed any time.
9 UTMA/UGMA means Uniform Transfers to Minor Act/Uniform Gift to Minors Act. This account will be subject to the Uniform Transfer/Gifts to Minors Act of the state where the account is opened. All funds deposited in the account irrevocably become the property of the child, and are to be managed for the child’s benefit by the custodian until the child reaches the age of 18 or 21, depending on state law, at which time the custodian is responsible for distributing the funds to the child.
10 Your mobile carrier's message and data rates may apply.
11 We may charge an International service fee equal to 1% of the amount of the transaction when you use your debit card for any international transaction. An international transaction arises when you purchase goods from a vendor that is located outside of the U.S. or if you use an ATM that is located outside of the U.S. This includes transactions done on the internet when the vendor is located outside of the U.S. This fee applies regardless of whether the transaction is paid for in U.S. currency. The exchange rate into U.S. currency will be the MasterCard rate in effect on the date of the transaction.
12 Abacus Bank does not charge fee when you use your debit card or ATM card on another ATM that is owned by another Institution. However, you may also be charged a surcharge fee by the Institution that owns the terminal or network including balance inquiries.
Speak with an Abacus bank representative for more information. This promotion may be changed or terminated at any time without notice.